less secure

美 [les sɪˈkjʊr]英 [les sɪˈkjʊə(r)]
  • 不太牢固;不太有安全感
less secureless secure
  1. In its death announcement , Microsoft said Internet Explorer is slow , no longer practical for or compatible with many modern web tasks , and is far less secure than modern browsers .


  2. Does money bring people more happiness or make them less secure ?


  3. Less secure people are quite different .


  4. Public networks are available for general use and are consequently less secure or reliable .


  5. Those of us lucky enough still to have work will feel poorer and less secure .


  6. Nothing could be less secure than a nation awash in guns .


  7. By making mortgages less secure , it would also raise mortgage rates for future borrowers .


  8. Dannatt said that Britain 's continued presence in Iraq had made the country less secure .


  9. In less secure environments , women and children are at risk of injury and violence during fuel gathering .


  10. The restoration was so bad that it made some of the buildings less secure than they had been before .


  11. As businesses matured and market forces started to work , mergers and acquisitions have made employment less secure .


  12. On another front , every American is less secure today because he has failed to slow Iran 's nuclear threat .


  13. There are still millions of these , including many women , but the new world of work is both more exciting and less secure .


  14. These self-signed certificates are no less secure than certificates signed by a certificate authority .


  15. In all these countries , there is a fear that the rising generation will live less secure lives than their parents .


  16. People without a college degree are likely to do manual labor , factory work and other jobs that are becoming increasingly less secure .


  17. " As more farmers migrate to the city to work , elderly people are becoming isolated and feel less secure ," he said .


  18. Authorities suspect his seven-bedroom house was targeted because it was undergoing renovation and may have appeared less secure .


  19. The weaker national sovereignty is as an absolute principle , the less secure we are in defining ourselves according to national citizenship .


  20. Or , will FLOSS be less secure because attackers have more information & making it easier to create attacks against the program ?


  21. But whole-disk encryption is far less secure if the user selects an easy-to-guess password .


  22. High unemployment impacts the happiness not just on the families of the unemployed but also those in work who feel less secure in their jobs .


  23. For if they do , those safe government bonds might start to look considerably less secure not just to bankers , but to everybody .


  24. Packet-filter gateways , which act as routers between two nets , are less secure than application gateways but more efficient .


  25. But if theircustomers use weak passwords - or reuse strong ones on other , less secure sites - there 's only so much they can do .


  26. But as more crackers seek and find the better-hidden flaws in opaque programs , closed source software gets less secure as time passes .


  27. One reason why women have less secure retirements is there are these eight-to-20 years where they 've been " cratered " out of the work force .


  28. You must communicate that any conversion to an SOA model involves an inherent security paradox : The more SOA your systems are , the less secure they are .


  29. Stateless packet filters are simpler to implement , but more complicated to configure , and ultimately much less secure than packet filters that do keep state .


  30. Said unreasonable rules can end up rendering a system less secure : users end up writing down passwords and storing them in places that can be readily discovered .
